Who's up for a Taco?

One of the things I look for in a song is bad singing. You see, I sing badly, so if the artist on the radio is crap, that means I sound good.

This makes for some weird choices of songs. Like this one. It’s Taco, “Puttin on the Ritz”. This song has some big history to it. Not this version, but the song. It was written by Irving Berlin back in 1927. Puttin on the Ritz was slang back then for dressing up nice. Sort of the “grown up and sexy” of this day and age.

Taco himself is from Indonesia, but did a lot of recording in Germany. Might explain why one of the versions of the video of 'Puttin on the Ritz' had people in black face. That would be the banned version.

I just think it’s catchy as heck. In fact, a while back I played it for one of my co-workers' kids and the kid started singing it one day in the car. Co-worker didn’t speak to me for awhile, and he stopped bringing his kid by my office.

Taco time! From 1982 here's "Puttin on the Ritz".

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