They really do not want you to let him go. REALLY. It was one of THOSE albums. Everybody and their cat had a copy. There was no escape. Resistance was useless. The singles dominated the radio, the city park pool speakers, that guy who sat in the high school parking lot with his Rockford/Fosgate cassette deck cranked for all to hear.

And for a brief time, the world belonged to R.E.O. Speedwagon.


So let us now go back to that magical year of 1980, when we knew no better, when a little band from somewhere in the mid-west that wasn't named Styx or Kansas has a fighting chance. And that's enough to make it your-

-K-101.7 SONG OF THE DAY! 

P.S: Need more about R.E.O. Speedwagon? Of course you do! Click HERE!

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